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Usually around 2-3 business days after receiving all your elements. If you need it sooner, please let us know and we will try to accommodate!

Have a look through our range of services and decide which is best for you. If you have any questions, contact us and we’ll walk you through it. Once you’ve purchased a package, you send us your file elements and we get to work on it!

1. You send us all your episode elements via a file transfer service.
2. After we receive all your files, we work on editing your podcast episode and follow any notes you provide.
3. Once we have a final draft mix, we send it to you for approval before the final mastering of the episode.
4. If you have any change requests, you send them to us and we revise.
5. You approve the mix and we finalize the episode with audio mastering, broadcast leveling, converting to mp3. embedding the artwork and metadata tagging.
6. We send you the finalized episode in the proper mp3 format ready to be published on all podcast hosting platforms.

Please send us the following elements via a file transfer service (such as WeTransfer or Hightail):

• completed audio files, preferably in 16 bit – 44.1k WAV or AIFF format
• editing notes
• intro/ outro music or intro bumper
• sound effects and notes on placement
• commercials you would like added and notes on placement
• cover artwork
• metadata you would like embedded in your podcast

Podcast metadata is information which is embedded in the mp3 audio file. It can include title, track number, artist, year, genre, url, comment and artwork. This helps with SEO and your audience can search through podcasts using keywords. It also ensures your podcast is displayed with its artwork in media players.

Firstly, have something great that you love talking about! Write out your episode content or rough outline. Then record it, preferably in 16 bit – 44.1k WAV or AIFF file format. Listen back to your audio and take notes on any editing you would like done.

Yes we do! We can edit all your files and highly improve the sound quality of your recording. We can prepare the finalized chapter audio files ready to submit to Audible following their ACX Submission Requirements. Please contact us to discuss your project and get a custom quote tailored to your specific needs. You can email us at

If you are not satisfied with the final product, we will make one round of adjustments or re-edits free of charge. If for whatever reason you then decide our product just isn’t for you, we offer a full refund for up to 3 business days after delivering the final edit.

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